yesterday, wan a good good day for me=)
everything went on smoothly=) and everything is fine=)
first good news, my cheryn dear went for the undang undang test, and she PASS=)
i was so happy when she told me that=)
second good news we went out together=)
after her test, she went back awile, changed and i fetch her to go kai kai=P
went to dp, walk walk for awile before watching the cartoon, THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG..
nice show, funny... and we ate at one japanese shop in dp, very nice very nice=)
especially eat with her=) haha..
3rd happy news is while waiting for our food, my dear gave me something=)
so so so NICE=) a key chain with my name on it=)
hehe... i sayang wan to use it=P... so sweet leh her=)
come come, i show u=P
love u so so much dear=) muackss muackss muacksss=)