Friday, October 16, 2009

my holidays are worth it=)

had a good time in kl yesterday=)
went kl to meet someone special to me=)
walk around kl the whole day, and its so so fun=)
was a little bit blur with kl system, i mean the lrt and some places..
will definitely get lost if she didnt bring me..haha..
learnt how to eat sushi, this is the first time i ate a full piece of sushi=P..had half last time and got stomach ache and never eat sushi again untill yesterday=) it was quite nice=)
was so touch for what she did for me =) and had a very enjoyable day yesterday=)
thanks alot CHERYN=) muacksss=)


Monday, October 12, 2009

pika pika??

err, hear many people talk bout pika pika( a light cartoon, i guess) but i watch one but its in video form.. but i gonna try it on a picture=)
so today i tried it using the basic shutter speed from my slr.. got the theory in my mind, but nvr try it out.. so, today, i plan to try it.. and it works=P.. not as nice as the video one, coz this is my 1st time trying.. will practise some other time and try again.. suppose to drw a bear and a pig, but didnt turn out so nice.. still ok la ..haha..this is what i got...

tools: dslr and torch light
